What are your children's age?

What are your children's sex?

Do they attend Public or Private Schools?

What Country and State do your children attend?

Can you tell me a time your child knows or does not know why they are learning the content at school? Do you know why they are learning the content?

Can you tell me a time when your child has a unique interest or talent that is being overlooked by the education system?

As a parent, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the importance of environmental education for your child's learning journey. How do you think initiatives like plastic recycling education could benefit your child's development?

I'm interested in learning more about your experiences with your child's education. Can you share any insights or observations on how hands-on learning/ inquiry based/ innovative experiences have influenced your child's engagement and learning outcomes?

Do you think there is a place for project based subjects to help blend together the knowledge and skills from the common core subjects?

What you like to be kept up to date with product development? If yes, please leave your email on the home page.

Would you be interested in an interview to further aid product development? If yes, please leave your email in the answer.

Can you share with others in the customer segments that would be helpful?