What level is the School *

Is the School Private or Public? *

Is the School Co Ed?

What country and state is your school located? *

Reflecting on our school's journey, what do you consider to be our biggest challenges or pain points in delivering effective education?

Does the element of environmental education add to these pains or challenges or is it used to help teach leaning outcomes?

Can you tell me a time the school support an innovative educational intuitive? How was it engaging? What did it teach? How could it be improved for the next intuitive?

In your opinion, what role do you think schools should play in promoting environmental stewardship and sustainability? How can we ensure that our efforts align with the needs and expectations of our students and community?

I am interested to know how you think plastic recycling science could be incorporated to teach the desired learning outcomes congruent with the curriculum?

What are the metrics your school aims to optimise?

Considering the above question are those metrics congruent with the optimised metric goals of the administrative hierarchy?

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Can you share with others that can offer insight to any of the customer segments? If yes, please use share button on the waitlist homepage.